Nice man. I pulled a 92 full legend dawson...sold for about 136k. I was content with that
Quote from wth08ovie >> i pulled 98 ovr Sean t last night in my level 71 ultimate legends pack.
Look at how many are on AH. For some reason EA has been giving that card out like candy. I got one in a bundle with two 97 full UL's a few days ago.
I’ve seen people have some pretty great pulls from those packs. Got 90 Calvin myself, doubt they’re more boosted than normal UL packs just this many people opening them this weekend leads to people seeing more results like this pop up.
Just wait for the guy to come in here and say how Sean Taylor is the easiest Ul to get and it’s no big deal.
I’m already at level 76 and from my “free” 2 pack bundles twice the best card I’ve seen is an 89. I guess they are saving my pack luck for better ULs hopefully
I sold it right away. Bought 2 97s with what I made off it and quicksold then. Will use TP and still pocket 16k TP. Sometimes the training option has some nice perks
Nice. I’ve had pu Dawson for months now but haven’t pulled the trigger on the Ltd
Good job. I got LTD Dawson on Saturday from that pack. Quite surprised
i pulled 98 ovr Sean t last night in my level 71 ultimate legends pack.