
What’s the move since Madden is dead

Not much to do since the game is pretty much over. I want to open packs just cause but it’s hard to sell the squad haha. I also have a ton of players I can only trade away.

What is everyone doing with their god squad?


I waited too long so I am ending the game with 132,761,257 coins and almost 500 unopened packs.


I just wanna open packs lol

I held a giveaway for most of my coins but I still have my team and only play H2H. A few games a day until ‘22 comes out


I might switch to the STL theme team I made in Lineup Feedback


I think a lot of people sold off players in order to finish all of the RP players. I know I had to…it was so hard getting a MUT game anyway, so why not.exhibition can be fun too. Not as challenging as MUT, but still, it will keep your busy until Aug


it's hard to market mut gg's i guess.


I made My grandson an account so been trying out different Players i have not used on there Just to pass time until 22 drops.Working solos mostly as i have time to play.


100% H2H trying new plays on offense and defense (for the most part picking Coach Suggestions) to stay exposed to H2H and expand my scheme for next year.


Gna play H2H in about a week to get back into the flow of the game, thats about it


I build Theme Teams nowadays with the rewards I get from All-Madden Seasons and Giveaways/Trades. Built a Broncos, Saints, and now a Bears


As a chiefs fan I tried to make a theme team on another account just was hella time consuming especially when I had the better squad on my main


Leaving mine as is. There's a couple ULs I want to finish the team then I'll be deleting the game to free up space.


You did say your not getting 22 so why delete the game


Because I'm not going to be playing this one either. I haven't played a single h2h game in over a month. It stopped being fun now, and it won't get enjoyable, so why keep it?


Im keeping it for memories if I come back tbh, just cant let go, I may give away/sell (MHC!) coins but im keeping my team i think.


Yeah I mean the MHC isn’t a bad idea just not sure what to use it on as I only traded a couple MHC for coins during madden 20


raffles and graphics


mainly graphics ;)


I just keep mine and build theme teams


Yeah I thought about doing that but having players that I can’t sell makes things a bit harder haha


Take all the players you cant sell. Qs for training. Training roll the 2600 legend pack. Keep 83 84 85 86 87 as everything else and build exchange sets on the weekend. I made over 3m coins and hit the 97 each week at least once since rod Woodson except for Barry. Might suck but could be good.