
MUT 22 Rookie Premiere

If you completed 10 RP Masters sets, what do you get in Madden 22? 1x M22 Rookie Premiere Collectible: 1x NAT High OVR RP Player with 1/4 QS Training value. Completable 1 time. 2x M22 Rookie Premiere Collectibles: 1x NAT High OVR RP Player with 1/2 QS Training value. Completable 2 times. 5x M22 Rookie Premiere Collectibles: 1x Auctionable High OVR RP Player. Completable 2 times. and If you complete all 10 Rookie Premiere Master Sets in M21, you can get ONE of the following combinations of M22 rewards: 1x NAT High OVR RP Player (1/4 QS Training), 2x NAT High OVR RP Players (1/2 QS Training), and 1x Auctionable High OVR RP Player 2x Auctionable High OVR RP Players

Am I correct to say u can get all of that and the 10 sets give u ur choice as well as the top before the "and"?

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