Bold = New X-Factor Players
Maximum throwing distance increased
Trigger- 1 completion of 30+ yards in-air (catch only)
Knockout- 1 sack
Cannot be intercepted by AI defenders
Trigger- 3 consecutive 5+ yard completions
Knockout- 2 incompletions
Highlights the first open receiver
Highlights blitzing defensive backs pre-play
Trigger- 3 scrambles of 10+ yards
Knockout- 2 sacks
Cannot fumble while running
Trigger- 5 runs of more than one yard
Knockout- 1 tackle for loss
Higher chance of faking out defenders with jukes, spins, and hurdles after the catch
Trigger- 3 receptions (catch and run) of 10+ yards
Knockout- 1 drop, incompletion, or 3 consecutive passes without being targeted
Greatly increased fakeout chance on the first attempted juke, spin, or hurdle while rushing
Trigger- 3 rushes for 10+ yards
Breaks the first tackle while rushing
Greatly increased success rate on the first 3 stiff arms or trucks while rushing
Trigger- 3 rushes of 10+ yards
Wins RAC and Possesion catches against single coverage
Wins aggressive catches against single coverage
Trigger- 2 catches of 20+ yards in-air (catch only)
Wins RAC catches against single coverage
Trigger- 3 receptions (catch and run) of 20+ yards
Greatly increased success rate on possesion catches
Trigger- 4 consecutive receptions
*Breaks the first post-catch tackle
Offensive blockers on the field have their blocker resistance bars emptied
Trigger- 2 sacks
Knockout- 1 down played
Wins at pass rush lead to very quick block sheds
Knockout- 10 offensive yards allowed
Chance to pressure the QB while engaged with a blocker
Knockout- 20 offensive yards allowed
Opposing players on the field have their X-Factor progress wiped
Pass rush moves cost no pass rush points
Trigger- 1 sack or tackle for loss
Tighter coverage and more interceptions on contested catches
Trigger- Force 2 incompletions
Knockout- 30 offensive yards allowed
More interceptions in zone coverage
Trigger- Force two incompletions
Block shedding becomes more effective versus run plays
Trigger- 2 tackles for loss
Higher chance to defeat run blocks and disrupt catches
Trigger- Force 2 incompletions or tackles for loss
Downhill hit-sticks guarantee fumbles
Trigger- 3 hit-stick tackles
Dominantly win man press attempts
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Bold = New X-Factor Players
Maximum throwing distance increased
Trigger- 1 completion of 30+ yards in-air (catch only)
Knockout- 1 sack
Cannot be intercepted by AI defenders
Trigger- 3 consecutive 5+ yard completions
Knockout- 2 incompletions
Highlights the first open receiver
Trigger- 3 consecutive 5+ yard completions
Knockout- 1 sack
Highlights blitzing defensive backs pre-play
Trigger- 3 scrambles of 10+ yards
Knockout- 2 sacks
Cannot fumble while running
Trigger- 5 runs of more than one yard
Knockout- 1 tackle for loss
Higher chance of faking out defenders with jukes, spins, and hurdles after the catch
Trigger- 3 receptions (catch and run) of 10+ yards
Knockout- 1 drop, incompletion, or 3 consecutive passes without being targeted
Greatly increased fakeout chance on the first attempted juke, spin, or hurdle while rushing
Trigger- 3 rushes for 10+ yards
Knockout- 1 tackle for loss
Breaks the first tackle while rushing
Trigger- 3 rushes for 10+ yards
Knockout- 1 tackle for loss
Greatly increased success rate on the first 3 stiff arms or trucks while rushing
Trigger- 3 rushes of 10+ yards
Knockout- 1 tackle for loss
Wins RAC and Possesion catches against single coverage
Trigger- 3 receptions (catch and run) of 10+ yards
Knockout- 1 drop, incompletion, or 3 consecutive passes without being targeted
Wins aggressive catches against single coverage
Trigger- 2 catches of 20+ yards in-air (catch only)
Knockout- 1 drop, incompletion, or 3 consecutive passes without being targeted
Wins RAC catches against single coverage
Trigger- 3 receptions (catch and run) of 20+ yards
Knockout- 1 drop, incompletion, or 3 consecutive passes without being targeted
Greatly increased success rate on possesion catches
Trigger- 4 consecutive receptions
Knockout- 1 drop, incompletion, or 3 consecutive passes without being targeted
*Breaks the first post-catch tackle
Trigger- 3 receptions (catch and run) of 20+ yards
Knockout- 1 drop, incompletion, or 3 consecutive passes without being targeted
Offensive blockers on the field have their blocker resistance bars emptied
Trigger- 2 sacks
Knockout- 1 down played
Wins at pass rush lead to very quick block sheds
Trigger- 2 sacks
Knockout- 10 offensive yards allowed
Chance to pressure the QB while engaged with a blocker
Trigger- 2 sacks
Knockout- 20 offensive yards allowed
Opposing players on the field have their X-Factor progress wiped
Trigger- 2 sacks
Knockout- 1 down played
Pass rush moves cost no pass rush points
Trigger- 1 sack or tackle for loss
Knockout- 20 offensive yards allowed
Tighter coverage and more interceptions on contested catches
Trigger- Force 2 incompletions
Knockout- 30 offensive yards allowed
More interceptions in zone coverage
Trigger- Force two incompletions
Knockout- 30 offensive yards allowed
Block shedding becomes more effective versus run plays
Trigger- 2 tackles for loss
Knockout- 30 offensive yards allowed
Higher chance to defeat run blocks and disrupt catches
Trigger- Force 2 incompletions or tackles for loss
Knockout- 10 offensive yards allowed
Downhill hit-sticks guarantee fumbles
Trigger- 3 hit-stick tackles
Knockout- 30 offensive yards allowed
Dominantly win man press attempts
Trigger- Force 2 incompletions
Knockout- 30 offensive yards allowed