Not only that there are missions for packs in the epilogue of the campaign that specifically requires you to COMPLETE H2H games so that is another incentive for people not to quit even when losing big
Edited by tyguy5555
So did you get a free copy again or did you buy it like you said you wouldn't?
If someone messages me to quit, whether they are losing, up a few or up a lot, I will take extra time while playing.
Why don't you stop scoring and run out the clock. You're being an idiot. You didn't need 48 pts
He paid the same money as you to play the game. You probably messaged him to quit right? Hate dudes that do that.
“Hey quit the game”
“Hey gfy”
If you are getting blown out , why hang around for the xp if you only get xp for a win?
There was a point you were up 2-3 scores and you knew the game was over. You could have just chewed clock and ran the game out. You chose to run up the score. I don't know what the fascination with running up the score is with some people. I was playing a guy who could have just kneed it to win, instead he was trying to run it up and I nearly usered a pick. Then last night I lost a playoff game to a guy with a $500-700 team, he runs up the score then messages me calling me a bum.
Was practicing and trying to get passing yard objectives…Chill
Edited by Dreverse
Probably to finish the passing yards in H2H objective or something.
Wait, there's no XP for a loss, or no XP if you quit? Lol EA forcing people to sit in there and finish blowout games. All you H2H players be prepared to go against people who go AFK or make the games as unbearable as possible just because they're down 14+ lol
Didn't realize that either, how dumb...only had two really lopsided wins so far, and I was wondering why they didn't quit out earlier
woah are you serious?? i never noticed that. if you lose a h2h game you for real get 0 xp?????
500 XP for a win. 0 for a loss
WTF is wrong with EA. Can you imagine the COD or Fortnite community if they said “sorry, no XP unless you win”
This is laughably bad. H2H is already unappealing enough for most people. Why add another reason to keep people from playing it, when it’s necessary for any longevity of the game?
They should be doing things like weekly HR to encourage more people into H2H, not giving them reasons to go replay solos instead.
he’s claiming he won’t get it if he quits . R YOU serious EA!! You want us to sit in these games for 300 XP ?