This is going to be interesting for sure... I seen a picture on reddit this morning if a guy that racked up 30million coins in an hour last night from this glitch... this is terrible for those that have played without a glitch so far. If you spent say $500 on packs already... this glitch earned players 10x that in coins and they didn't spend a dime just happen to be on during the glitch. This game is such a shit show. I never complain about this game, but with how bad rewards got nerfed this year and now this I'm considering just quitting MUT altogether and demanding all the money I spent in the last week back. See how this plays out, but I don't see any fix that corrects this for everybody.
If not fixed 91 Kittles will be going for 30k
Its NAT.
Can still liquidate them for massive amounts of training then use reroll sets during any promo to cash out.
Simple fix would be for the people who got glitched Kittles would just have them removed. Sounds like a super easy fix
We need to know what was done to keep the integrity of MUT. This was an EPIC screwup on their part. I am very curious about what their solution will end up being?