I threw up some jump balls to Moss after being matched up with an all bronze bot team, and Moss lost multiple jump balls using aggressive catch to those bronze corners. A bronze corner also managed to keep up with Jamar Chase on a streak more than once. The animations and statistical thresholds seem to vary depending on a lot of strange variables.
Edited by 4north82xbox
I thought it was just me who couldn't get a CB to try and make a play on the ball lol
Try swatting instead picking the obvious pass height babe weight matter on the wrs on next gen that I can see
I mean people getting mossed was needed. There were way too many db interactions that madd jump balls impossible to snag in 21. I would rather them work on the garbage zones and weak pass rush.
There is no way you are using swat. I’ve yet to AG anyone with Marshall that hit swat ball. The ones hitting “pick” however…..
Lol for years we were talking about agg catching being OP.. and then for years DBs mossing WRs. Now we are back to the agg catch complaint lol
Swat everything but two player animations it’s wild how broken this game is.
Just won a close H2H game....on one play my subLB watched the ball go over his head, he actually made a weird animation like oh there's the ball but didn't attempt to jump or anything...cool...
Linebackers havent been able to jump in 5 years .the worst part of the jump balls is when my Db just jumps 5 foot forward instead of straight up at the ball leaving the wr wide open standing under the ball SmH
Got fully PU Revis, Gilmore and Jackson and they don’t even contest lol. I guess there more worried about pushing out FB cards that are players who ain’t even been in the league longer than I’ve been playing MUT