
Question for ppl who work long hours/family

What level are you guys at? Did ea forget ppl have other responsibilities and can't be on their game 24/7?!?! I know it's 90 days but it's still absurd!


I'm at level 30 and have just played normal... not repeating any solos or participating solo battles. Work 40-50 hours a week and 1 kid and haven't spent much time playing on weekends yet because the weather is still decent. The grind is real this year.


Was level 6 until missing school with covid for a week and got to level 19. Have 3 younger siblings that aren’t old enough to take care of themselves so I have to watch them often, and I am at school at 8:00 and get home after football practice at 6 or 7 every night, and I’m not allowed to play until the weekends, in which I get an hour a day. Not as many responsibilities as the rest but still too many to try to grind challenges every day

Edited by JJ18


I just hit level 50. Major grind now as late August is slow for work and my kids just started school. I also benefitted from doing objectives on both Xbox and PC as well as today’s Saquon bust.

Because the objectives aren’t cumulative, from here on out I just need to play H2H and solos that offer good rewards. No more Russell Wilson, field goals and jet sweeps (for a few months).


Level 8 - Had to go check Lol. I don't even pay attention to what level I'm on half the time. Just play solo battles, a few challenges and log off the game Working 50-55 hrs a week


Bro.....I feel your pain..4 kids, full time teacher, and HS football/lax coach. Struggle is real level 11-84 overall Chargers TT


Lvl 7 😑


9 n0w


Level 17, wife and a cat.


I’m a “casual” with two kids and a full time career. This game is still geared towards us. I just know that I won’t have the top line lineup or the flashiest cards. Oh well. Still have fun playing solos.


Level 15 here, w/ 4 kids, wife, dog and work 45 hrs/week.

Even being at level 15 I feel bad that ive been playing too much though. This year is definitely a grind and not sure ill make it to level 50 in 90 days unless they change the XP system


I work 50-60 hours a week and I am level 50. 1 kid on the way. I sacrificed two whole weekends to grind and stayed up super late on work nights to get it done. Luckily I've learned over the years how to operate on very little sleep.

Was it worth it, not really. Hester and Kittle aren't some world beaters (unless your NMS).


Level 8 and don't really care about the EA shit-show this year. Don't want to grind, work the AH or anything


I work 40 Hours a week, have 3 small kids. I'm at level 15, start to play usually once the kids are in the bed ( after 9 in the evening ). Sometimes my wife is angry as I stay awake till 2-3 in the morning, but after some husband duty I can calm her down ;-)


bahahah yes, amen brotha...same boat as you.


I work 50 + hours a week and I’m almost lvl 22 best believe when I get off I put that grind in thank god I have no kids lol 2nd shift life

I put in my hours at work, at least five nights a week, sometimes six. Away from that, I have a social life that is slowly recovering to pre-pandemic levels.

I'm currently at Level 11, 82 OVR, going at my own pace. I'll get there when I get there.


I work For a healthcare provider in NJ supporting EMR systems I work about 40-50 per week. Im married with two children. Im at level 14 currently


I work 48 hours a week level 12


Level 9 recently went from 42 hours a week down to 38 because of covid to avoid any shift crossover. Two kids and the wife not really feeling it this year.


Level 13...but I'm old and take naps so don't grind much.


working in the office and wife / kid; playing weekends and every other day at night. lvl 16 with ovr 83 (NMS). grinding the solos and started solo battles the other day. after seeing the ‚glitch‘ happen for others on launch day I won‘t put any money in this game, just playing at my own pace.