
The AH sucks this year

At least on the Xbox side, there’s hardly any cards up. Like seriously. Team builders are the only ones out that have more than like 5 up at a time and it’s only specific ones of them anyways. Never seen the beginning of MUT like this.


Been saying this since the beginning, cards move very very slow this year. I’m thinking it has to be less players are playing this year. Usually the AH is booming this time of year; maybe small coin rewards has something to do also.


i think everyone is waiting for legends tomorrow.

Edited by gzertb


I think MUT is dying. Been around these forums since 15 & each year its getting quieter & quieter


This. I've noticed it more and more each year... there's less people playing so the AH just isn't as active.


Them putting those platinum bundles in the game gave everyone coins. Then no team diamonds yet so everybody is just hoarding stuff

Edited by MicahTheGOAT