
the mystery of the stackable Rare strategy items!

So awhile back i assumed that it wasnt possible to stack them , that is untill i went out and finally got 2 of the same and was able to stack them and get doubke the boosts. Fast forward to now and i spent around 200k the other day to get a specific strategy card for defense that i already had in hopes of stscking it. Turns out there must be a glitch or something because it doesnt stack on defens like it does on offense. So my question is at this point is it just the certain item im using and not all defensive items or vice versa. Any help would be great from some of you guys who have 2 and are stacking. Example: i have 2 Deep route techs in offense slots. Both apply +1 speed boosts. +2 speed. I try to use 2 IN THE ZONE items that boost all DBs and only 1 boost works. Take out 1 and put in another defense item of a diffrent kind works no problem. You guys having success stacking other defense items??


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