
Legends PUP question...

It's been a while since I played MUT and things worked a little different back then. So I am wondering if it's worth powering up Legends. Will they be upgraded later in the year so they can be powered up more or is it just getting the best player now thing and they will be average pretty soon.

Thanks in advance for the info.


Id bet dollars to dimes legends will get another card down the road. How far down the road is the question. Currently with TP being so high I dont think its worth it. Unless you are doing a theme team and need to change that chem. Even then its a pricey investment right now.


Unless you're planning on keeping them on your team for a while it might be a little too pricey for the +1's. Training will eventually go down by quite a bit so it won't be as big of a deal, but with Legends, CH coming, TD's soon, and UK probably next week, if you want to upgrade it's going to cost you a lot if you are powering up and down. Power Ups seem to mainly be beneficial for theme teams because they're going to be on your squad all year.


Thanks. So if I am reading you correctly there will not be any more Revis or Tomlinson cards futher down the road to further upgrade the PUP.


There will be, but might not be until Christmas or later.