Make sure you dont have players out of position at CB, Ss, FS. But put em back in regular position if they were o/o position. Then exit out of ultimate team to main menu and then go back in ultimate team and try getting back in challenges again to see if that solved problem. That was happening to me few days ago and once I put players back in correct position I was able to get into challenges once again. Hope it works for you!
I had a similar issue last year. I ended up having to change the email associated with my PSN account and then I was able to get in
Just do all of the turn it off and again stuff. Properly restart your PS. Then recreate your lineup for the issue with the ‘shitty players’
I don't have Playstation, but try this. Copy your team when you create a new team. Sometimes the cache gets messed up when we constantly change lineups, activate abilites and x factors. Restarting system helps too.
This happened to me last week nothing counted the entire week. I posted here for 6 straight days thought I was done for then I had one idea left. That was wait for the weekly objectives to reset on Monday at 1039 am eastern time so I checked at 1020am and still nothing but as soon as the clock hit 1030 boom it is working again. NO cap . This game is so glitch let me know if that helps
So if you’re trying to played expired ones it does this automatically. No fix because those one set of superstar solos expired but they are still there. If not that then go to the game app and hit start on it and delete profile and saved data from the game. This is Xbox but I’m sure ps4 has something like that. This will force a resync with the game. Don’t worry about your stuff everything is saved server side.
If I do that will it take away the team that I have already collected? I'm at an 86 right now. Thanks
No that’s server side. Also I don’t want the mhc just hope it works for you.
Edited by Gotitans3
Trying it right now, it's almost done... now it's reinstalling the new patch. I never use the mhc, so if it works, I'll send it to you. I'm old enough to remember when the mhc were worth a lot of coins, lmao
Are you PS4?
yes. i can play franchise but nothing else.
Turn off your system. Boot in safe mode (hold power button until you hear a second beep after the initial turning on ~7sec). Rebuild database. If the problem still persists, delete and reinstall app. I couldn’t get past the start screen after the patch and this fixed it for me. Maybe it will work for you as well.
When I try to play MUT, I go into the challenges and when I click on the challenge I want, it goes to this message: "Error: EA servers cannot process your request at this time. Please try again later". Now, I've chatted with 4 or 5 different EA Tech supports and they say they are aware of this and are getting a lot of reports. I just got the new update for the game, but not anything with my issue was fixed. The new patch didn't include it. I've got an 86 ovr team, and "if" I get into a challenge, it uses a team that I don't even have... with shitty players. Then, once I am done with the game, it shows that the game was not even completed. So, as you can see I am quite frustrated. HAS ANYONE ELSE HAD THIS ISSUE? If you can help me, I know 6 credits aren't much, but if you can help me I will give them to you. It has to work, though. PLEASE HELP!! THANKS I AM ON PS4 and it is the Standard disc.