
The Most UNEXPLAINABLE glitch in squads history!

Idk how to explain this. Im teamed up with a random right. We are in the same game playing the same opponent but we are seeing different games. For example. "Nice dot bro" ...."what were on defense and he just got a delay of game" my score says 21-14 his says 19-0 we screenshotted and recorded clips. We are in the same game against the same 2 two people playing COMPLETELY different games. What is this!? He's saying i threw TDs when i ran the ball. We both confirmed our opponents and we both sent screenshots and sent videos. Im just blown away. We have proof!


In ssko, I got a hit stick, fumble recovery td. And when I went to kick the extra point, it prolonged coming out of the huddle and ended up giving him the ball back on the 25 and whiping my TD. No flags or nothing, just rewrote the game like it didn’t happen


How do i share this video! The world needs to see this. Its seriously the most unexplainable thing ive ever had in madden. Were playing two different games after halftime???


It’s kinda cool but not in a game like this


This happened to me and my friend back on madden 19 and everyone on here thought we were on drugs or something🤣🤣


Dude it took me a half hour to even gather what just happened. I'll never understand it....


My friend and I are still shook about it to this day😂 we literally had the exact same experience where we had to prove to each other that we were being for real lol


EA never ceases to amaze lol


This is by fat the wildest thing ive seen even through YouTube. I cant fathom it. Half time morphs us to an entire different game. Add me on FB man i can show you


Sadly not in a good way a lot


Have had it happen to me and my friends 4 times.. once in superbowl…


How does this happen!?? Same accounts, same opponents, 1 game, BUT ITS ACTUALLY TWO different games. LIKE. HOW!


It’d be crazy if this was the game I was playing. We had the same thing happen to us. 1 guy was seeing different things compared to me and my buddy.


Im glad im not nuts! 😅


Sounds absolutely wild.


Craziest thing ive EVER seen in madden


You are now in the twilight zone


Is this what Legend feels like. Im really playing multiple games and i just dont know it???


How do i upload videos!!


Somebody is getting leveled.


I do not get this. We were in the same exact game playing the same exact people but were playing TWO DIFFERENT GAMES


So when you’re playing offense who is calling the defensive plays? Is it timing down every time? Sounds like you’re the one getting leveled.


Idk dude. I was offense and my random (group search) was defense. After halftime we started catching on that the same things weren't happening. Im next level running ball and hes saying nice kicking field goals and hes saying "F sorry dude"....whatever happened we were playing two different games after halftime. I have screenshots and video of it!

Edited by gingerzgonewild