Look for formations with the TE in the slot. Then look for formation subs that move one if your outside WRS into where the TE us lined up. That's moves the TE outside. Which allows you to manually sub him out for another WR.
Wouldn't bunch quads have 4 targets although i think the 4th target is your HB i know you can have a TE in FB but can you switch out the HB for wr
Ill let you know ill jump into a h2h game and see if i can stick odell at the HB spot
I think you need to take out like all TE from your lineup to do it. Don’t remember the glitch though.
There are a couple formation in a few playbooks that have 10 personnel (4 WR & 1 HB) but I’m not sure which. Check out the playbook database
nah you defintely didnt need to remove them all from your lineup, it just depended on a sub into a spot / certain packages
Yeah it's certain packages you can sub. Ravens and Cardinals have Empty Quads Shotgun formation, that comes with 4 wr's in formation stock
If any of you guys recall, in the past there have been formations where you can mess around with having someone subbed into one place, and being able to mess with the formation subs and sometimes it will actually let you get 4 wr's into a formation. Does anyone know of formations / which to do it on? I had an old muthead thread bookmarked but its unfortunately gone..
However, ones that I am specifically wondering about are Gun- Doubles Y Flex, and Gun Tight. Messed around a little while playing but to no avail. Anyone got the scoop?