
Power ups/abilities

So I never really understood chems/abilities/strategies, so I just ignored them, and early on in the game, I was playing just fine online, but lately I’ve been noticing getting burned a lot more frequently, and I can’t help but think the reason for it is not having Chen’s and abilities while everyone else does. Is there some sort of guide or any video that y’all have that has the best abilities to use, best players to power up, and so forth? I always see people saying they have WRs up to 95 speed and I just don’t understand it. Thanks in advance for the help!


YouTube will have a ton of videos on these topics...but keep in mind...these are expensive. The advantages of a theme team are very beneficial and much cheaper.


I don’t mind the price too much bc it gives me something to work towards and spend my coins on instead of the worthless packs in this game, and I have every card I want in the game at the moment. I’m mainly a competitive player so I dislike when people have a competitive advantage over me so I decided I need to get with the times on this lol


Sounds like you are ready to take your team to next level...powerup is a good move as you will get a +1 on almost all categories...chems from strategy cards are nice, but hard to obtain. There is a store option for 5k and you can build sets to get the rare cards...some of which can give a +1 to speed among other benefits. Happy hunting and continue having fun on the journey.


What are some good abilities to get on players? I run mostly a med-deep passing offense with a steady rush attack. And also how many players on each side of the ball can have abilities activated?


You can have a Max of 12 ability points on each side of the as to how many? Depends on what abilities you use (AP cost) can do all 11 if you do one point each (2 on one player). On offense I tend to put abilities on QB, HB, WR and either another WR or TE depending on what I'm working on that week. I don't care if I win or lose in H2H and tend to use seasons and WL as practice sessions. On offense I like gun slinger, mid in elite, short in, backfield master and reach for it. On defense I'm a fan of inside stuff, reach elite, no outsiders, edge threat, unpredictable, acrobat, pick artist, enforcer and mid zone. Lots of trial error to find the balance you like.


Thank you for all of this, I really appreciate it