Indeed, I enjoy gaming, and one of my favorites is Destiny 2. The game offers an immersive experience with its captivating storyline, stunning graphics, and diverse gameplay options. Whether you're into PvE missions, PvP battles, or cooperative raids, Destiny 2 has something for everyone. I highly recommend giving it a try if you haven't already.
Edited by MahomesIsWhereMyHeartIs
Fortnite with the girlfriend and I have RDR2 that I’m about to get back into with madden dying out and probably not buy the next madden until I finish RDR2 campaign
Slowly playing elden ring
Doing a run of guardians for the galaxy, super fun game the banter is great
COD… bought Elden Ring, haven’t really liked it… loved Skyrim, waiting on Starfield… RDR2…
Trials Fusion, Rocket League, G.I. Joe Operation Blackout, World of Tanks, NHL
I play Red Dead Redemption online, Valhalla, and the free F1 2020 with EA Play. Probably why I dont have time for a real life lol.
On xbox gamepass, Back for Blood is out. It's a zombie shoot em up.
Been wanting to try back for blood how is it?
It was alright, if you want a good zombie shoot em up try World War Z instead.
i wanted to like back4blood so bad but... its just... bad. wwz is def a better alternative. need to buy the dlc tho to get the 1st person mode which was kinda a chump move.
Same, I tried giving B4B some time to get use to but wwz is far better game.
I’m a 2k first guy. Madden and MUT was my fallback when 2k drove me nuts and reached it’s toxic peak. I’ll run CoD too when I’m tired of sports games in general.
Been playing Apex off & on past couple years. Waiting for the new Battlefield
Mlb the show. I was playing battlefield over the weekend. Gta online when they have dlc updates
Just like yourself.....Madden, COD (strictly HC team deathmatch, DOM, or KC) and the Show. Its sad the way this years Madden has gotten itll probably get shelved as soon as COD drops.
Edited by madbatter77
Feeling kinda burned out on Madden honestly. Finished my WL and felt like I was just forced to finish it instead of actually enjoying playing it. I usually play COD but the new one doesn’t come out til next month. Also I used to play a lot of NBA 2K but in recent years that’s died down on me. So really it’s just been Madden and COD. I don’t play war zone or forenite type of games as that’s never appealed to me. Looking to get into new games and would love some feedback on what others enjoy gaming.