
Patched messed up lots of things in squads

Go into a squads game and there’s a tug of war scoreboard, players not running there routes especially on streaks , disconnects galore in the mode worse than ever and my controller was going crazy in 3 games jump into a totally different game ( cod ) everything is fine jump back in madden controller dies out again . Great job ea 👍


Interesting about the controller. 3 seperate times last night (next gen) my controller randomly shut off.


I was gonna say when the patch was announced that I can't wait to see what it breaks. And here we are...


Is it only happening to the next gen people?


Bro this game was unplayable prior to the patch but we muscled it out but now it’s even worse my buddy said screw this I’m done with this game then told me left for dead was on game pass (back for blood ) on next gen which only positive that came from all this .


I feel the same way as your friend rn


I was kicked out of Madden 3x today on the series X.

That happened zero times over the last month prior to the patch.


Weird lol