
Once again I broke my team by upgrading multiple positions

Some people (me) will never learn. As always my team totally collapsed after adding several 'better' players to the team. Absolute trainwreck rn with no changes to scheme or abilities.


Haven't won H2H game since my team hit 90ovr late last week. 6-7 game losing streak and I knew this would happen.


This always happens, I was too in this same situation. I went on a losing streak of 6 games then went on a 8 game winning streak


We all know what your saying. Happens to all of us


This happens 100%


We all know what your talking about and that right there says a lot


Oh all the time. I remember I coughed up 750k to get the LTD Haynes right .. FIRST game he gives up a streak right over the top to like … free watch the stream Hill. I looked at speeds.. 91 speed hill or whatever. Haynes 93… ok not too big a difference .

Hadn’t let up a streak since . That first game with new shit is a doozy


Ha. Same. And all I did was add Shaq to my OL


I noticed that also. Thats why i dont upgrade anyone before the playoffs. Strange how we seem to lose a few games right after we upgrade it


Lol…yep…same thing happened. Had me questioning why I even bust my butt trying to upgrade only to have the team fall apart. Hilarious.


Just did this. It’s def a thing lol.


Well at least is an easy fix , just sell your new cards and play with your team at 88


I noticed my team played better at 88 overall then it does at 90 now. I used to be able to pass lead now if I try. The ball is overthrown no where near the WR for a pick. I don’t get it at all


I agree with this. Hit 92 overall yesterday and my team is playing atrociously bad. I actually can't wait to be able to move on from Dan Marino. He's been playing terrible. Overthrowing wide open receivers, passes going nowhere near the intended receiver, just crazy shit


Yup. I added pocket deadeye because he started missing a lot of easy throws


yup. dropped lurks, corners not reacting to anything even if the ball almost hits them in the head, overthrown passes with no pressure. I went from 88 to 90 and my team is toast rn


Dropped lurks around is why I'm back to pick artist. Was my fsv ability last year and its still good.


will try this bud good tip


92 ovr wow


I honestly don't know why this happens. I actually changed defensive playbooks After losing 15 of 20 of 20 and now I'm on a 7 game winning streak.



huge duh to myself