Classic EA move. One week it's hot, next week garbage. If there's one thing I've learned from playing MUT it's do rerolls the second a new promo goes live on its first day. Chances of pulling LTDs seem higher, as EA hasn't gone in and tweaked them. But also, in the off chance EA doesn't put a specific player in the re-roll packs, you can maybe get some free make rights.
Edited by flwhitey18
Is there a coin method involved in doing the 89-90 exchange? Or were you trying to pull 90 MFs in it?
I rolled about twenty, 1 90 LVE, 1 87 OBJ, three 85's, the rest were nothing. I don't know if less people are pulling and that is why the rate seems worse.
Edited by biigd008
The pull rates slowed down a ton last week during 1st weekend. All in, I have probably rolled 300k worth of training. 90s and LTDs were flying out in week 1 until that night. After that, I was losing 1-3k every time I rolled 15k; sometimes more. Rolled 200k today, same thing.
Just an FYI it’s not nearly as fun as last week. 50k training in re-roll and not one 90, and did 12 89-90 exchanges and pulled 1 90 overall. These were all heavily nerfed so tread carefully with your coins this weekend.