
Here’s How I Enjoy The Game

I quit out of games I am not enjoying win or lose. Example I’ve played guys running 335 Wide every snap and as I switch plays countless times I just March down the field. I then score and then quit because I refuse to play against one play every snap. I literally do not care about winning anymore, I just wanna have fun playing this game since I can only play a couple hours out the day now.

It just isn’t worth any further frustration. Guys are gonna run 1 play on both sides, they’re gonna cheese and use YouTube metas and exploits. There will be limited creativity so not wasting your time and getting frustrated by those guys is something you should consider avoiding.

I see the complaints but ultimately we can only focus on what we can control.


Wow what loser and nerd! Madden is life! You just don’t know how to run 1 play over and over correctly. I brag how good I am at Madden to my coworkers, friends, and it headlines my dating profile. How dare you not make this game comp. Comp comp comp. I live for competition. Just don’t ask me to touch a real football.

-Typical MUT player


I follow a similar approach...a pack of virtual gold and silver cards is worth zero frustration.


That’s not a bad way to be.

I kind of don’t mind knowing what they are gonna run. Mike blitz zone and you know zero is coming.

Same with double post and PA boot. Those guys quit so fast. Then there is the guys that are really good players and run that stuff. It’s frustrating for sure.


Same here man. Well not if I’m winning. But if they’re sweating out every play and constantly running delay fades I just bounce. I never play 25 WL games so quitting doesn’t hurt me at all.


That's what sucks about Weekend League. When the dudes run 335 Wide and you can't do anything against it, even though you always can in Seasons. It's when little Timmy runs one play on D and one play on O and is unstoppable. I need to learn to just quit in Weekend League when it's this way, but I'm always like, "No way I'm gonna let this turd beat me."


Yep, literally spent the last half hour quitting out of games against partial/full raiders tt running straight cheese


And you're doing them a favor by quitting...


It’s for me not them. They clearly can’t win without playing like a Madden “pro” or their favorite streamer. I can but I just wanna have some fun, see different looks, try different things game to game.

1 point

Why does it matter if OP doesn’t care about the L?

-1 point

"Hello! You play to win the game!"

1 point

“They are who we thought they were!”

“Playoffs? Don’t talk about playoffs. Playoffs?”

Great sound bites.

-1 point

It’s a video game dude. I play to have fun. Yes competition is fun but taking advantage of faulty AI isn’t fun to me.


I'm quoting Herm Edward's infamous line. Should have added the /s at the end.