Congrats on the win. I received my player first thing Monday morning. EA is usually really good about the grants.
The GOAT Ballsy sent me an MHC so I put in 10 tickets on Aaron Donald. Wish me luck 😈👿
That's a lot of years. Congrats.
Monday has been my experience.
"Omg!" is netspeak shorthand for "Oh my god!"
I got my woodson on Saturday. But i have never got it that early before. Think it depends on how soon everyone that won follows up.
Monday-wednesday normally, had it take longer like Thursday on occasion though.
Normally 24-48 hrs(Business days)sometimes they'll do them for the weekend but most times its during the week.
Edited by Slammer4244
Congrats! Who did you win? I won the Vernon Davis! You should have the player by Sunday or Monday at the latest
congrats! you should get them by Monday at the latest. Usually it’s a ‘next business day’ thing.
I have never won one in all my years on this site until today. Im so happy! Any past players know how long it took EA to grant?