
Straight Trash After Update

Two weeks in a row I get a DNF on solo battles after never getting one prior to this update. Quit messing the damn game up with bullshit and just fix the stuff we need fixed.


Real talk I got 2 already. I might barely get legend rewards


I don’t want to complain but honestly, people need to let them focus on the game not stupid stuff that is irrelevant. The game is getting worse with each update because they keep trying to appease the fans over theme teams and plays people can’t stop.


Gameplay and content are two different things


If ea did that ea would make way more money


Played again today. Didn’t have any crashes but my dbs kept having passes go through them for catches. I would be in position and switch and poof like magic, right through me. I get that it’s a game, but if people quit complaining about raiders theme teams and delay fades maybe actual stuff would get fixed.

Hate the new Oline blocking or pass rush. Shitty players are shedding through my line. Still winning but time to set up plays has went down drastically. That’s not as big of a deal to me, but it is an example of people complaining only to take developer time away from real issues.


Happened to me too - second game of the week, game just closed, DNF. Bad enough (at least on PC) that 20ish people are playing more than 13 games per week and cutting out honest players for rewards, but as we have all said, if it doesn't impact their revenues, they aren't incentivized to make the game work or be fair for those that choose not to exploit.


Funny it was my second game of the week too.


Same happened to me so I stopped playing the game all together. Might as well sell the rest of my team and give away the coins at this point in time because EA wont get another nickel out of me.


Wdym DNF?


ayo what’s up tgraves


sup jj18


"Did Not Finish"


My ps4 has crashed a few times a day on madden since the patch. I get at least 3 DNFs because of it.