
I gotta admit,

I was really missing out. Just set up my next gen ps5, The way it skips from solo to solo without that waiting screen is really nice. So far I like how it plays.


Oh yea, way faster load times. I forgot about that. Playing solos with the TV volume off and just the audio from the controller is kinda cool too.


Yes it is. I just really like how fast it is. I quit so many times because I got bored. With how fast it moves I got all 100 stars in the harvest solos in 1 3rd of the time.


I don't know if you do the player exchange sets but if you have a lot of cards that is also waaay faster.


I used to miss out on good priced cards due to the ps4 lag. Not today though, this is so much better.

Edited by OopsDom35