
WL on Sunday mornings might be...

The most relaxing thing about this game lol. Just something I've noticed this entire month. That being said, I'm done with WL for the foreseeable future.


Doesnt the game do something in matchmaking, where if you lose, they try to give you easier opponents, and if you win, you get tougher.

I heard they try to make it so everyone finishes 13-12 or 12-13?

I noticed if I lose 2 in a row, I get an easy matchup

If I win 2 in a row, I get a player with really high overalls, which sometimes I still win because they player isnt as good


I played last night after midnite on EST, mainly because it was a Saturday and I was staying up late for the blitz 8 hour challenges

I won 8 in a row, finished 13-12, which lets you know I am not a dominate player

One guy I played had every top player, but just ran the ball with Blount, even on 4th down after being stopped 3 times

Earlier on Saturday, I was getting matched up against much better team


I quit WL this year and haven't looked back since. Trying to cram in 25 games, and majority of them sweat fests. Let's just say life is less stressful. H2H is where it's at.


Yeah I noticed that a couple of weeks ago when I had to get like 13 games done in one day. Definitely was smooth sailing and not that many sweats


Do you think Sunday is the best day? Do most top players do WL as soon as it comes out, like Thursday and Friday


Sunday and Monday morning


Cant do Monday morning becuase of work, unless I would start at like 3am LOL

But I'm sure at 3am, you get some random easy opponents LOL


Its harder and harder to get a game lately.i Think everyone including myself is fed up with the You tubing ,all game cheese playing idiots on there.


Congrats! Eff ‘em…