
How long till EA fixes Kenny Clark PU?

Been waitin a hot minute on this one. There’s a power up step that costs 3850 training to go from an 88 to an 89. There’s no way that’s correct. Compare it to any other PU. See for yourself.

So many things to worry about in this game for them I'm sure that's a non starter just pay it and forget about it 🤔


I’ll admit it’s not as big a deal now that the market crashed, but pre Blitz this was a much more costly error.

Edited by Juicy_J_8787


Said the same thing when him and Robinson dropped as LTD's. Robinsons step to go from 88 to 90 was like half the cost of Kenny to go from 88 to 89.


I noticed that. It cost like 10k training to get him from his core elite to the last step before the Ltd. What the fuck ea


They hate the Packers. Will not be fixed. People complain about bum franchises not getting upgrades, I’m talking specific players like Davante, Dillon, getting overlooked for upgrades year after year. They upgraded the speed of every single quarterback this year with the exception of Brady and Rodgers. Something is rotten down in Orlando.


Bro Brady with 55 speed and Rodgers with 72 is ridiculous. Aaron should have 79/80 speed and Brady should have his world famous 65/66 speed. 55 is kinda pathetic for a 44 year old man juking out 20 year olds


Sad what they do to tae