
Will every team get a throwback TOTW?

Just wondering because a ‘certain team i wont mention’ never gets love for ToTW


Yes. And 4 teams will have 2.


Specifically talking heroes, not LTDs.


my Fins have gotten 2 so far, Jason Taylor/ Ronnie Brown


You could have put the giants on that list until today, when we get a 800k+ Ltd.


I’m hoping this is true because it seems like the same team keeps getting upgrades. I personally can’t stand TOTW anymore. They ruined it and they constantly keep upgrading the same cards. It blows my mind how Justin Jefferson still didn’t get upgraded, even after Blitz smh. The only thing I can think of is they have him slated to come next week for Rising Stars 🤷🏾‍♂️


Has it been someone different team-wise each time? I didn’t think this was a team specific thing like the Thursday LTD’s were.