I told my friend I run squads with like a month ago that I bet it was only gonna be 2 seasons. They are so effing lazy, man. Team Diamonds weren't even in the game on release, took them at least a month to drop those, a totw program that's mostly just recycled throwbacks so they don't have to keep up with current games and performances, and now they're putting that off for over a month, AGAIN, so they can go on vacation without being bothered. They just couldn't care less. As far ahead as most of these promos are planned out, you'd think they'd be able to keep the content constant and fresh, but nope. Even programs with set dates get pushed back bc they're too busy counting their money.
I guarantee they originally planned like 4 seasons, but just like Rivalz last year, once the year kicked off they decided it was just too much work and figured they'd get to it whenever they get to it.
Yeah hearing Kraelo say, 'they're busy with zero chill', as an excuse to not have everything else fixed and finished on time....
So strange that they think that message would sound good to the players.
What he's actually saying is "Zero Chill will garner more revenue so we're putting off the other stuff".
The developers (or their superiors) must have incentive to reach certain numbers in micro transactions each quarter or something. I feel bed for the developers who actually do care about the product.
The biggest red flag was them not hiring people for the NCAA game and splitting some of the madden staff off to it. They are going to be redlining more than ever now and will rely on Ultimate Team to keep revenue up. The really, truly, only way for the trend to reverse at this point would be when everyone actually does stop buying packs or just stop playing the game. I know the people that rely on packs/game for their livelihood (YT/Streamers) can't do that. However, it would take the community as a whole to hurt the bottom line to see any real change.
Wait, there’s no TOTW for the month?
There's totw this month. There won't be any totw content from the 23rd through Jan 5th. And they'll drop both weeks in 1 release after they come back
I really believe the potential season cancellation last year led them to preschedule most content and shift the focus overwhelmingly to retired players and wildcard content.
Once they realized that creating content that ties into the existing season was too hard, there was no going back.
1 thing for sure is EA completely failed on the season format. Keep that for 2k who actually knows what they're doing.
89 OVR Team Standouts 1 dropped in the second week of October last year and 92 OVR Team Standouts for SERIES 3 dropped on December 9.
Anyone else starting to get the feeling that Season 2 will be the last season of MUT22?