
Accurate Abilities Spreadsheet?

I was using the Madden School M22 Abilities spreadsheet, but it’s not up to date. Anybody have an updated spreadsheet?


anyone know what abilitys i should put on deandre swift 95 ovr.also what abt cam newton casue his throwing shit is terrible


Pass Lead elite in tier 3 would be your best bet


I just use mut gg for anything ability related


What do you want to know?


The thresholds. I think i got it now. The spreadsheet was out of date, hasn’t been updated accordingly with the AP updates. However, there’s some inconsistencies. I can’t figure out how many AP updates there’s been, I thought it was only 2 so far. Do you know the requirements for Human Joystick for a Scrambler QB?


Ah I don't know scrambler abilities that much. Spreadsheet I use says 99 overall 99 agility but idk if that's accurate. Terrible archetype so I didn't waste the time getting to know what/when abilities they can get

Edited by MicahTheGOAT


Never mind i got it. It’s a bit outdated because of AP updates. It’s unlocked at 95 OVR 93 AGI for scramblers