Buy a player pack for 500 coins
Do this 20 times and auction off players
Some silvers sell for 2k to 3k coins for some reason
Golds are 600 to 4k coins
Best thing you can do to stay afloat during the many Content Droughts that EA is projected for this winter, is try and invest in any auction house accidents which could be underpriced anywhere from few thousand coins to as much as tens of thousands if someone made mistake and put lower price than intended. Its best to use Madden companion app to buy sell and search auctions as its much faster than on console
The "now" we know has reached its expiration date. Season 2 and the challenges that follow will likely have a different approach for coin making.
We know that season 2 will require completing a set every day. This may eventually push up the floor price on low silvers. There will also be short spikes in PuP's for a few cards but there is no way to predict the best method for coin making until we get into Season 2.
Weekly objectives. Progress levels and collect gridiron pack every week. Utilize MUT rewards.
Best way to farm coins now?