
What is wrong with me?

I lost about 350k yesterday and today like 300k. I was making some coins still on theme diamond packs and with a combination of horrible luck on those I’m down to 50k. Bad enough I lost my coins so I decide to rip a 90-91 MUt Hero pack with 2 89s hoping I’d get lucky and pull one of the more expensive ones. I pull Mike Evans... worth 45k. So what does my dumb ass do. Posts for 4500 instead of 45000 so now I have 10k....


MUT can be very cruel


You'll make it back. Hang in there.


Trying to sell my mhc and that will help lol


Should have saved Mike Evans, he is getting a new card today....


I thought of that but I thought his price would be up right after the card is announced and it isnt


It’s a vicious cycle.