Hello everyone! I recently acquired Hall of Fame Quarterback, Colts and Broncos Legend Peyton Manning! He's my favorite player of all time, so I might be biased, but he is the best Quarterback in the game, no doubt.
Here's what the team that I rock with looks like:
And here is the man himself! Feels good to see him back in the Broncos Orange!
Peyton currently has a .500 Record with my team, having an equal number of wins and losses, granted I haven't played a lot and I've been working out his style.
Passing Yards: 727
Completions: 45
Attempted: 68
Passing Touchdowns: 6
Interceptions: 11
Average Yards Per Attempt: 10.69
Peyton feels like his Throw Power is on another level. He can make any pass, and his Release, despite being the worst in the game, feels very smooth and very accurate to his real-life throwing motion. The only issue with him that I have noticed is that his Throw Under Pressure is not very good, so you will need to make sure that you combine him with either the Protected ability or a strong offensive line to protect him, if you spend a lot of time in the pocket with your quarterback. I have not tested his "Throw on the Run" release that much, but from what I have seen so far, it is money. Overall Peyton is a stellar passer and a definite pickup for the Pocket Passer fans out there.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a great player by any stretch of the imagination, but this card I feel has made me a slightly better player. That Gunslinger and Hot Route Master combination can be deadly if used correctly. As a Pocket Pass player, Peyton is the idea Quarterback for me. Now that Peyton is sealed on my team forever, it's time to work out a new scheme that utilizes Hot Route Master. I expect his stats will be insane by the end of the year! Expect another update in a few months!
Peyton currently has a .500 Record with my team, having an equal number of wins and losses, granted I haven't played a lot and I've been working out his style.
Peyton feels like his Throw Power is on another level. He can make any pass, and his Release, despite being the worst in the game, feels very smooth and very accurate to his real-life throwing motion. The only issue with him that I have noticed is that his Throw Under Pressure is not very good, so you will need to make sure that you combine him with either the Protected ability or a strong offensive line to protect him, if you spend a lot of time in the pocket with your quarterback. I have not tested his "Throw on the Run" release that much, but from what I have seen so far, it is money. Overall Peyton is a stellar passer and a definite pickup for the Pocket Passer fans out there.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a great player by any stretch of the imagination, but this card I feel has made me a slightly better player. That Gunslinger and Hot Route Master combination can be deadly if used correctly. As a Pocket Pass player, Peyton is the idea Quarterback for me. Now that Peyton is sealed on my team forever, it's time to work out a new scheme that utilizes Hot Route Master. I expect his stats will be insane by the end of the year! Expect another update in a few months!
Happy Mut-ing fellas!