Does anyone on this site donate to madden streamers
Well today I had a live on my tik tok channel about 750 were there for about 45 minutes as I was at the airport and was talking about madden and this situation and discussing my latest clip that I put up which currently has half a million views but what was interesting was A few people were from muthead in the live and they said they saw my comment about GS topic and they just didn’t want to comment in there because it was just too much negativity but one person brought up something that was very interesting saying… what’s the difference in these Madden streamers that stream and people donate than what mr.GS was doing which he also went on to say it’s probably most of the people on this site that do this …so do any of you guys donate to the streamers And if you do tell me what’s the difference?
Also another person pointed out why doesn’t EA go after these people who promote these coin sellers on there you tube channels? Seriously? Somebody pointed out and referred to them as drug dealers well here is the main source right in front of EA’s face like guttfoxx or Zirksee and Your telling me EA doesn’t know there accounts .
Well today I had a live on my tik tok channel about 750 were there for about 45 minutes as I was at the airport and was talking about madden and this situation and discussing my latest clip that I put up which currently has half a million views but what was interesting was A few people were from muthead in the live and they said they saw my comment about GS topic and they just didn’t want to comment in there because it was just too much negativity but one person brought up something that was very interesting saying… what’s the difference in these Madden streamers that stream and people donate than what mr.GS was doing which he also went on to say it’s probably most of the people on this site that do this …so do any of you guys donate to the streamers And if you do tell me what’s the difference? Also another person pointed out why doesn’t EA go after these people who promote these coin sellers on there you tube channels? Seriously? Somebody pointed out and referred to them as drug dealers well here is the main source right in front of EA’s face like guttfoxx or Zirksee and Your telling me EA doesn’t know there accounts .