Big Nickel Over G followed by Over G followed by more Over G this WL
It’s awful man. My players simply don’t block against this defense. Against a pash rush of 3 or 4, I have no time as a DT or DE comes looping around untouched. It’s painful to play. Ripping my hair out just trying to throw the ball. Then, if your opponent has any brain cells at all, they can lock up the run from this formation too. It’s disgusting. Wanted to see what it was all about my last game and all I see if Alan Page loop around and pile driver the QB into the ground. It’s not even fun for me knowing it’s taking me no skill to play defense.
Guess I need a little break. If you don’t know what I am saying, wait til you have about 7 wins. Game comes down to sacks vs. aggressive catches. If you have more of each than ur opponent, you will win.
It’s awful man. My players simply don’t block against this defense. Against a pash rush of 3 or 4, I have no time as a DT or DE comes looping around untouched. It’s painful to play. Ripping my hair out just trying to throw the ball. Then, if your opponent has any brain cells at all, they can lock up the run from this formation too. It’s disgusting. Wanted to see what it was all about my last game and all I see if Alan Page loop around and pile driver the QB into the ground. It’s not even fun for me knowing it’s taking me no skill to play defense.
Guess I need a little break. If you don’t know what I am saying, wait til you have about 7 wins. Game comes down to sacks vs. aggressive catches. If you have more of each than ur opponent, you will win.
Have a great day!