So over the last month I have noticed that I have pulled a certain players card multiple times before their upgrades were released.
for example:
Just before the Super Bowl promo ended I did like a 100 86-87 to 88 ovr exchanges.
I had roughly 40-50 88 overall core elite Le’veon Bell’s.
I was irritated because they weren’t selling for a lot and QS them for training. Then EA releases his Journey card. Sucks I could’ve made a ton of coin had I not QS the Bell’s
The night Befor EA announced that Jaylon Smith was the 97 MVP
I constantly pulled his 93, and 82 TOTW cards
I pulled 86 John Johnson’s TOTW multiple times the night before his 97 mvp was released.
Today I have been pulling Lawrence Taylor and Larry Allen cards.
It could be coincidence.
Maybe EA forecasts their releases, and gives us hints without us realizing it.
So over the last month I have noticed that I have pulled a certain players card multiple times before their upgrades were released.
for example:
Just before the Super Bowl promo ended I did like a 100 86-87 to 88 ovr exchanges.
I had roughly 40-50 88 overall core elite Le’veon Bell’s. I was irritated because they weren’t selling for a lot and QS them for training. Then EA releases his Journey card. Sucks I could’ve made a ton of coin had I not QS the Bell’s
The night Befor EA announced that Jaylon Smith was the 97 MVP I constantly pulled his 93, and 82 TOTW cards
I pulled 86 John Johnson’s TOTW multiple times the night before his 97 mvp was released.
Today I have been pulling Lawrence Taylor and Larry Allen cards.
It could be coincidence.
Maybe EA forecasts their releases, and gives us hints without us realizing it.