
Anyone notice this with their pack pull?

So over the last month I have noticed that I have pulled a certain players card multiple times before their upgrades were released.

for example:

Just before the Super Bowl promo ended I did like a 100 86-87 to 88 ovr exchanges.

I had roughly 40-50 88 overall core elite Le’veon Bell’s. I was irritated because they weren’t selling for a lot and QS them for training. Then EA releases his Journey card. Sucks I could’ve made a ton of coin had I not QS the Bell’s

The night Befor EA announced that Jaylon Smith was the 97 MVP I constantly pulled his 93, and 82 TOTW cards

I pulled 86 John Johnson’s TOTW multiple times the night before his 97 mvp was released.

Today I have been pulling Lawrence Taylor and Larry Allen cards.

It could be coincidence.

Maybe EA forecasts their releases, and gives us hints without us realizing it.

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