
What’s with Gift players being in packs so soon?

Am I the only one slightly cheesed about these cards (Ricky, Simmons, Henry, Humphrey) being in packs so soon? What was the point of even having those rare XL gifts if they were just gonna be available right away?

Now every game is just gonna be Henry and Simmons running around all over the place.


Not sure, but I didn’t look at the MUT Twitter account before buying Simmons for 700K. So I probably took a hard L there. That said, he’s basically an end game SS/sub-LB at 6’4” with 98 Speed, so I’m not too mad.


Get over it dude


Thanks for the input pal 👍

Edited by News_Feeds1234




They told us on GMM they were limited to presents only. Not in packs. Even had a graphic. Now just like Blitz, we get the shaft. Hell why didn’t they just put Marino in packs.


If they aren’t so soon ppl complain, if they are ppl complain, take your coins now, wait 2 days and get them back cheaper, simple


Yea that’s what I’ve done. Sold Simmons for 965 and Williams for 715. I’m just struggling to see the point of even having them in gifts if this is how it was gonna be. More disappointed that I sunk coins into trying to get the gifts these cards were in I suppose. They’ve never done what the are doing in the past so it’s just strange. Kind of a kick in the sack if you know what I’m saying.


In the past ppl have complained about how expensive they are if you didn’t have the gift so they are making it available faster. You still have the chance to make your coins. Now if you overspent to get those gifts that’s on you


Yea but people chase gifts as they are the only way to obtain the card in the gift…? If they released that info at the beginning nobody would have bothered. Defeats the purpose entirely.

Edited by News_Feeds1234

Yea not really cool at all I would've NEVER went in on them if I knew they'd be in a reroll merely days after Xmas it's complete bullshit actually


Kinda feeling the same. Picked up Ricky and Simmons today assuming they wouldn’t be available for another month or so. Also spent quite a bit of coins rolling for those gifts. Not sure if I should re-sell or just tough it out. Only thing keeping me from re-selling is that I got lucky and pulled the Titans gift and got rid of Henry for 1.2 mil.

Edited by News_Feeds1234

Such crap just another part of the everyone gets a trophy movement anyone that thinks it ain't or that that agenda is helping someone it ain't they can f off 💯