Now that all the content for this promo has dropped im really curious what the deal with the sweater players was. Why bother with 2 players that are lower than a big chunk of the mid tier cards in the promo. One of them only gets 1 team also. They should have been 93s, and given a plus 2 for whoever won the votes.
Man I hope the grinches do not make me overpay for Cameron Brate powerup lol
Again no Giants... sad day
So they have Woods a better RBK than Vernon Davis. Seems plausible.
They have to or he would literally not be able to block anyone. Weight is the biggest factor. With his low weight he could have 99 RBK and not be as good as Davis.
If I complete the 95 Kyler set. Do u get to choose any 93 from all 4 releases? For example can I choose Budda, Hop and someone else as my 3 ncat?
I will use none of these again😢
Man what a crappy ending. Glad I chose to sit this promo out. Ouch .
At some points this promo was great. I like the ghosts and that the ss’s got 2 chem for their team(s). There were a lot of RG’s and cowboys. Oop’s were a big disappointment. Overall I give it maybe a 2/5 at best if that. At least we got free snow every day and good ornament sets and challenges were good but otherwise ive got nothing good to say
That James Daniels will actually be nice for me, lol.
Probably keepin Kuechly over Wagner
Same. They made that kuechly card too good when he dropped lol still the best mlb non tt IMO
Finally. Wagner got a proper card.
How many Seahawks fans out there will be using him at both MLB and punter?
I think you can pit him at LS and have both on the field for punts
I wonder how much that Robert woods will cost/how many ornaments he will cost, tired of using gesicki
5 ornaments for a NCAT or you can build a master and get him with two other NCATs. He will cost the same as every other 93 because of the reroll and sets.
I saved my ncat choices for him needed new TE offline player only for me
150 pound TE and a 350 pound SS. Makes sense. The only usable card is Wagner and if you get NCATs back all look pretty underwhelming. Weird end to this promo.
Woods is great bc of speed, dk is amazing speed and height, wagner is a mlb so not great, amd slay is not bad, and vick has good speed and archetype, so idk wtf you talking about
On DK most people play C3 and PRC is so important on deep passes. Hard pass. I like the height but nothing else. Slay isn't terrible but just another 93 CB with nothing special. Wagner looks good - about same as Luke but who even plays a mlb. Vick getting 94 speed is useless.
No GS or HRM after Henry dropped below 300 k make kyler a theme team card if that
What’s the house rules guy? Is it Vick
Welp looks like my last pick up from this program will be the fridge lol. The sad part about it is MUT cards have been like death this year, they come in threes. Probably get another FB this weekend...smh
Said in a thread earlier, alstott just got released on mobile
These will be revealed around 7pm est on twitter