No. I believe it’s now 25/25/23 or 24
Hmm, that might be close enough for me to build it out and wait for those extra chems. If I can do 25/25/20 for now that might do.
MHM is correct. I have full Raiders and 49ers built out but probably wouldn’t use them together due to overlap. I am slowly building up Ravens and Buccs and had a 50 Pats team that is about a month stale now. Some combo of those 5 teams will be my move after the next multichem players drop.
Not yet possible. I read a thread when the Stocking Stuffer were released saying that we are a couple of team chems short.
Here it is. Thanks for reading brother! Happy New Year!
Waiting very patiently to be able to do this but not sure it’s possible still. Hoping to be able to do it before I get rid of all my coins.