Check on this clip and mind you this happens everyyyyyy game. He runs around d ware, micah parsons, corners you name it. I scheme up a blitz to force him from scrambling right expecting him to either stay in pocket or smash into my contain on the left.
Look at this dude run right around my contain like its nothing and dont tell me i should have clicked on. I was more worried about guarding my zone since im the only one covering the middle.
The good thing is at least he is capable of fumbling.!AoEKtvq_Dq_XiWOk9KtAigS55ZQf
Check on this clip and mind you this happens everyyyyyy game. He runs around d ware, micah parsons, corners you name it. I scheme up a blitz to force him from scrambling right expecting him to either stay in pocket or smash into my contain on the left.
Look at this dude run right around my contain like its nothing and dont tell me i should have clicked on. I was more worried about guarding my zone since im the only one covering the middle.
The good thing is at least he is capable of fumbling.