
Zero Chill and Ghost of Madden Prices

Do you guys think 92+ overall Zero Chill and Ghost of Madden players will increase, decrease, or the stay the same? Trying to figure out if I should pick up a GOM player now or wait til the promo ends on the 5th


The may go up but i don’t think they will go up significantly. A lot of players have these cards and may even be sitting on them for this very reason. If they keep a store offer for training in the store for 78+ or 85+, then they may stay the same shrug 🤷🏾‍♂️ it all depends on what happens once the snow is out of the store.


I would invest in the 49ers and Raiders Ghost… if both those teams get in, going to see a lot of people going back to those theme teams.


Will only go down with new cards released. Unless one card gets an upgrade and is desirable.


This is my first year in MUT. How good do we expect the next promo to be in terms of quality cards? Better than ZC?


I think all zero chill will increase some because supply of set cards will be less




Stocking stuffers in particular I think rise as the sets to do them take quite few cards. In addition the X2 chem will become wanted with playoff promo coming round.