
Kraelo Quit

Holy sh*t what a shocker.


No surprise. The writing was in the wall. When you get furniture delivered during a stream, that tends to point to he didn’t give a F anymore.


Did he really??


Horrible company. They basically run a casino for kids. Good for him!


Hey Kralo if you need a job email me at


He seemed so happy at EA and GMM he was always so prepared as if he really threw himself into his job.

What’s more surprising, Kraelo quit or EA never firing him?

…. I mean 😱😱😱😱😱😱


Maybe MUTGuru can come back


Im happy for him. Not sure what his new job is, but it will certainly be better than his job at EA. I feel sorry for the poor soul that takes over at EA for him.


I knew it was coming he had hinted that he was looking for a new job last year after he criticisized the dev team

People have so rude & nasty to hin for stuff that wasn't his fault.. he was just the messenger & was just telling us what he was being told.. yet People were treating him like trash.. when it's the devs who hide in the shadows like cowards that people should have been nasty too..

If krealo left because of these people then shame on you because he was the only one who stood up for us & cared for us & was likely our only hope to get stuff done & now we may not have that which is sad..

Soon people are gonna realize how much we miss krealo because even though he wasn't perfect he cared..

Atleast I'm happy for him because not only does he finally get away from the toxic community but that Toxic Environment at Electronic Arts that is a sinking ship that won't ever repair there image until they get people in there aren't incompetent & until the suits aka shareholders mind there own business & just shut up & write the checks & let the devs do there jobs without the shareholders influence..

Plus having competition would be the best case scenario & this won't happen because ea is toxic & the loss of krealo is gonna sting & thise who bash him need to look themselves in the mirror because they likely ruined any hope we have to getting things fixed in the future..

Edited by legionofzoom1984


Every time I watched GMM I felt really bad for the dude. I started hiding comments because it was just too much of a distraction and nothing but over the top crying and complaining.

You're so virtuous bro and if a sinking ship is making millions or billions or whatever their bottom line creates then I hope my ship sinks sometime soon lol BTW if you have a job related to the internet abs you get offended by some trailer trash jobless lifeless womanless morons that's an indictment on your ability to di your job grow a pair who gives a ½ a shite what some internet jagoff has to say!


What a fucking loser. Calling the other poster a "jobless, womanless moron?" You don't know anything about him. Get your capitalistic panties out of a bunch dickhead. Another internet tough guy.

You're comprehension level needs a boost buddy


Good for him, I wish him well in his new career. I couldn't imagine the soul crushing depression that working for EA would cause.


He said he quit.... probably fired.


ea probably is too lazy to fire people


Facts if they fired him they’d have to pay unemployment.


ikr! ik i wasnt expecting that




He said "leaving to a different industry". he's out out.


lol i was joking. Probably tired of ea.