
This game is seriously garbage

So you deal with an entire week of people running around with a cheap broken derrick henry just for EA to give everyone a free one. Like at what point does anybody even need to run a different qb. Derrick henry might be the end game qb.

Contains dont stop him nor do spys and the games pass rush is trash so whats the point of even playing now. Every h2h game ive played today is henry at qb like im really disappointed with the dev team on this one


I didn’t get a free one and essentially anybody could of gotten one for cheap because they could if spent 300k and sold for 250k and net spend 50k as a rental. So giving “everybody a be wasn’t a big deal


Things are only going to get worse… he’s 100% getting a GT, he’s the perfect card due to release and character model. Imagine this card with EA, GS, HRM, Long Range Deadeye for 9 AP and hitting thresholds. Broken, honestly since they can’t fix spies and contains snd don’t care to fix deep blues, only real solution would be to bring back the 2 man rush and tuning dline sheds.

Edited by GGerz


Agreed they nerfed pass rush and now you can really see the flaws of the game with a qb like this.


ouch ...