
My Inside Stuffs are not Inside Stuffing

Sapp and Quinnen are literally getting blown off the ball every run meanwhile my opponent with no abilities is consistently shedding against my linemen with ease.


Yea I had the same issue on next gen.

I notice most other teams inside stuff activates even when I run non 'inside zone' runs.

I stopped using inside stuff, because it rarely activated, even on 'inside zone' runs.

Edited by HardKnox22


Your opponent might not be running inside zones. I use exclusively power, counter and trap so my opponent's inside stuff's don't activate.


Okay. After the play it says “inside zone”

Edited by heatgotgame125


Mine are lighting up, making contact in the backfield and the RB, who weighs 75 pounds less, does a somersault for a 4 yard gain.


It’s most likely the running lane that the opp decides to take. I always try finesse insider stuffers by not holding acceleration and cutting towards a gap and then in back to the b gap right past them stuffers


I never turned mine off but I noticed today that Ngata’s has inside stuff was turned off for some reason. I was also wondering why it was never lighting up.


And i thought it was just my Sapp and Selmon getting nerfed.


Acceleration, shifting line, double teams, stats, dda, play calls..alot plays into this but i have no problems with my Sapp and Aaron Donald on the inside with Inside Stuff


Mine aren’t either I’m still using Ngata at duly and up until Now he’s been stuffing. Thinkn about upgrading to McFarland but the NO for high motor is scaring me away from trying him

They nerfed everyone making all your 88-96s play like trash so now all their soon to come 97-99s play like your 88-96s used to play Str8up pshy-op making you dump your old team and upgrade to a new one it's the only way they can sell you their slider system

1 point

Fck I just want some stuffing now


I had inside stuff and out side stuff on Micah parsons and willbur Marshall and inside stuff on sap and Vince will fork and teams could run All over me , the run stuff would light up but they would be in a block animations getting washed away like if they didn’t have it or if the did shed the would run right past it . It’s dda


inside zone has been great for me, i use two, but it does not activate every play. I have wilfork and sapp. As far as shedding goes, im sure you've seen this reference a lot in forums, dont accelerate until you are in the hole. Accelerating causes sheds.


To be clear, do not speed burst until you are through the hole or the dline will blockshed and tackle you quick?


I know that and I don’t and they still insta shed. Even on passing attempts my guys get shedded instantly.


Not sure how passing attempts is relevant since inside stuff is running. It’s been know if you backup after you snap which Most people do, the dl will shed quickly that is why you need to stay in the pocket without moving for a second or two.

Edited by choochoopoop23


sometimes your oponent double teams them which is why it probably wont animate. some games they just wont animate at all even if your opponent doesnt double tema

Edited by wrjose81


I have the same experience. Inside Stuff is terrible for me