
EA DDA lawsuit in the US and global lawsuits

Since a few members here (I won't call them by name) are very eager to do EA backing for whatever reason I think it would help if the community understands what happened in the case.

  • 3 madden pros started a class-action vs EA out of California. The firm they used was small for this type of case.
  • EA countered and provided billions of lines of code during discovery. But not handed over the code in stacks, required their expert to sit in a room to analyze with plaintiff expert and at any time could just renege.
  • This did NOT include server side code which EA refused to include.
  • Code was never analyzed. Firm in over its head. EA's statements are almost slanderous. But since it is their lawyer's statements, then it is protected. Like a dude that murders 5 people and lawyer knows... Lawyer can say "my guy is innocent."
  • The action was dropped. This means it never saw court. Not dismissed, not whatever EA's lawyers statements are. Dropped.
  • No where did the plaintiffs admit that DDA was not in the game. (EA has wording that is very confusing acting like they are talking for the plaintiffs)
  • All of a sudden firm is happy about the case and the plaintiffs while had initial comments about the case have refused to comment lately.

My opinion is they were paid off. I am sure EA paid for the firm's "time". And the players were paid for some other sort of "disagreement" but both sign non-disclosures. I could be wrong but doubt it. If anyone has anything at all that is different from the points above I will edit the points for the community to see later. This isn't meant to be my post.

Also note that EA was sued in Belgium and China. Belgium had a forensic team that would work for basically free to go through game and server code and EA refused to hand over code to them. This is for DDA and EOMM. So you cannot buy packs in Belgium. This is happening in other countries too but I have read a lot about the Belgium case.

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