
Watch out for “JonEight24” on Xbox

I’m currently playing this guy on Xbox who has 95’s across the board in his top 3. He turns the ball over, and now the entire screen is frozen as an aerial view of the field. I’m sure this was intentional because I read that you could do this on Mutleaks a few days ago, plus this guy has 0 Xbox gold, which means that this is a new Xbox account (his other one probably got banned). Any way to get out of this and avoid a loss?

Edit: opponent got disconnected. I got the win

2nd time playing this guy: I score once, get a pick, then the screen freezes again. This guy does this intentionally to try to get free wins. Any way to report this bozo?


After over an hour, this moron finally quit lmao


Wow. That’s patience there. Was it in WL, or H2H?


H2H. Needed to win it to make the Playoffs (which I swiftly got knocked out of 💀)


You on current gen right? I played that guy in WL last week and he did that on me as well. Like you I waited and than he finally quit and I got the Dub. When he did it on me I thought it might’ve been on accident but seeing how his doing it on you than it definitely was on purpose. F that scum bag


Yup, current gen. The first time I thought it was a game error, but it happened a second time which is too crazy to be a coincidence. It's really sad that this is what people have to do to attempt to win games.


Yes, should record it and report here

If it’s not intentional, no harm no foul. But if he gets reported by multiple people, then hopefully they will take action.


I just did. Been sitting here for 15 minutes looking at the stands so I figured that I might as well report him. It happened twice right after interceptions so I know that it was intentional. Hopefully EA solves it


Can't report something thats not being purposely done. Been there, just restart if its not your playoffs.


Playing him again, and it happened again, right after an interception