
88 Johnson- log in reward

I assume u will have to log in each day to get all the players for the ncat 95? Anyone know about this?


I missed the news on this, what is this?


There really wasn’t any news on this. You get Diontae’s 88 overall that you have to add into a set come 2/4 for a 95 NCAT player and that’s all that we know so far. People are speculating on what this could mean, or guessing if there are more players to pick from when this set drops, which I’m hoping for myself. I think a lot of cards got snubbed for the voting and I think this is a small way for EA to say, “We F***ed up”, here’s a free player that should have won.


Ah, got it, I'll log in then and hope for the best.


I was hoping/thinking the same thing! I would be really happy if this was true. Maybe the days the TOTY players go into packs, you get a different log in player to put in the set on Feb 4th 🤞


This sounds really smart and hopefully what they do. Interested about the "95" though. do they just -1 the nominees that didn't get TOTY and it's a choice pack? will be interesting.


Me too🤔 you just never know with EA 🤦🏾‍♂️. They would have a really go idea but mess it up with the player selection, so i hope they give options and not shove a NCAT Diontae Johnson in our face and say here you go 💁🏾