i would not have done all that if it was for an ncat....give everyone a 300kmake right....spaammer bowl spam..
I dont see why not other than people don't want to go against him with team boosts
is there any reason why he was even picked? I've never heard of the guy. Is he the winner's fav player??
the whole point of theme teams is to juice players that played for a specific team and reward players for sacrificing the best players to use certain players. we already have enough players with team chems of teams they didnt play for
no, no he should not. he's played for the giants and jaguars.
How did that argument go for Dan Marino and Luke?
wtf lol. Dan and Luke were TD masters. Do Golden Tickets get all team chems as well? no.
So? EA sets the rules. You act like it is impossible. Two theme teams got a 97 player. Thats fair, EA apologize are out in full force to make sure we understand that.
Dan Marino and Luke were team diamond masters. They notoriously have gotten all team chems since the program has been introduced. The MCS player is different. Derwin James didn't get all team chems last year.
When a upgraded Keyshawn drops everyone will fall in line salivating and wont even use this card.
I didn’t watch a single MCS and I got him. I just logged in around 7 and let it play on my phone while I did things.
Nah. There's really no difference between 98-99 speed. He has 97 on mine and still good.
I would respectfully disagree. Having my cake and eating it to...resulted in a soft middle (I got fat). I was able to get the tokens (and several extra) by pulling up a stream, putting it on mute...and going to bed (had to get up early most days to jog...darn cake). So free is free and I'm satisfied with free.
I honestly believe he should have all team chemistry. The only way he is obtainable is by watching an entire day of MCS action. Anyone else agree?