Posted by Jbcho1 Jbcho16 years ago

Who else is having luck with UL Packs?

NMS - 120K coins per paid off!! 

Anyone else pull some fire?


Nope. I've opened all 4 you get from leveling, all 88's, all the single pieces from the solos, all 88's and an 89, and two I purchased with coins, both 88's. That was enough for me to literally never buy those again and I only tried because so many others were posting screenshots of pulling full legends and what not. Considering even if you pull a 94 you only break even I think they are trash. Of course I am also a firm believer that EA has code in the game that recognizes when a player has a lot of coins (say 4-5 mil or more) and lowers their odds to make it pretty much impossible to pull anything good. My only reasoning is that I've been above 10 mil coins since november due to working the AH and have not pulled anything of note this year except an LTD Brent Grimes on a $100 bundle (so not even that good really) and that was when I was below 5 mil coins.


Quote from TWOManySkillz >> I've pulled them all every week (Coins only, NMS this year) and other than LTD Krause this weekend and a 240k quicksell the other week, I've pulled crap. Honestly out of all those packs, Krause was the only UL card I pulled that wasn't one of the cheap 20k cards. You'd think I would have gotten a 94 out of one of them lol

 Same bruh. Those packs are hot trash. I’d rather waste money on the 80 plus scounts packs lol


I've pulled 3 full Ulegends out of them on about 20 packs opened. Still a loss, but the pull rate is there.


Nope, they've been crap for me.


I've pulled them all every week (Coins only, NMS this year) and other than LTD Krause this weekend and a 240k quicksell the other week, I've pulled crap. Honestly out of all those packs, Krause was the only UL card I pulled that wasn't one of the cheap 20k cards. You'd think I would have gotten a 94 out of one of them lol




Quote from Drew_412 >> Nice pulls man! I opened 1 randomly a little while ago against my better judgement and pulled 98 calvin :shock: 

 I stopped for a second as was like... does that say 98!?


Quote from crzysportsfan26 >> Yea over the last 3 weeks, I have pulled the kicker, punter, Calvin and Sean T outta these packs so definitely can't complain.

 Glad to hear it, man!!


Nice pulls man! I opened 1 randomly a little while ago against my better judgement and pulled 98 calvin :shock:


Yea over the last 3 weeks, I have pulled the kicker, punter, Calvin and Sean T outta these packs so definitely can't complain.


NMS - 120K coins per paid off!! 

Anyone else pull some fire?