I personally liked the rewards. The mlb will start on my team at level 50, I’m going with the TE with what 93 run blocking? I pass a lot or I can run a lot, mlbs don’t see my field outside of goal line so Bolton will just boost the overall. New levels/season just gives me something to grind towards, the rewards are just a free bonus. 98o 97d here. GL with the grind
Not disappointed at all...main reason is the season hasn't even started. Disappointment almost always sucks (oh heck...it always sucks)...so I avoid premature disappointment. I start every season with a new offensive and defensive playbook...this gives me something to focus on while I grind away. New cards, Ultimate Legends and possible upcoming promos...I'm actually looking forward to it all (now...should disappointment hit me...it will then suck).
Yeah Can’t wait for that 98 Nick Bolton to QS for 1/4 value when I grind to 50.
It’s a trash game by a trash company. They don’t listen and it gets worse and worse.
Someone said this some where else but I liked what they said… if the names of these players were different, we would be going crazy. Stat wise they’re great cards, just not names that make us say we need that. Names matter more.
As a community we should be annoyed with the level rewards being trashed and the xp increase, this annoys me most. We’re on to 97 overall players but get passes for lower tiered cards. Why make it difficult to level up when overalls being drop exceed the top pass, not like people are getting accessed to new cards.
My biggest complaint is the 99s are mediocre players IRL. They will be good cards I’m sure, but why not give is superstar players or retired legends. I’ll have to see how the week plays out before I judge. I was expecting team builders to be 92 so I would call this a tiny w
Not diggin the xp, especially if challenges aren't repeatable while i watch netflix or hulu
I don't even have season three yet for some reason
Nobody does yet. It won't drop until Thursday. Possibly 1030 ET, but most likely later if EA mess up the launch as they did with S2.
I’m fine with the Champions but Nick Bolton is a huge L, I don’t know why they keep giving us MLBs as big program rewards
Nope. Really like it all. Key for me (and for every other promo coming up) was to not have high expectations
Whiners gon whine. Leave them to it. I'm personally looking forward to picking up EA's XP gauntlet and reaching 50 as quickly as possible to really annoy them.
I'm not disappointed but the first two seasons were more viable I think cause now theres alot better cards out and coming out. I'm still looking forward to season 3 and don't think it's bad but there's also alot of good cards to choose from now from when Hester/Seau and Mays came out. I do wish they would make level rewards packs alot more like an all pro fantasy pack or game changer pack instead of coins or pro packs.
Mainly with the player rewards. The 99 TE or Davenport aren’t that eye opening. In season 2 when I saw Taylor Mays as the champions I was excited and made me grind to get him.
With everything that season 3 has to offer I’m not that excited about reaching level 50 maybe besides the 96 ovr pass so I can sell Parsons.