
Twitch prime help

I have twitch prime and I've done everything but I don't get my loot. I've claimed them, I've linked my accounts, but they never show up.

EA help can't help and neither do twitch, they say go to amazon. Can anyone here help me?


the pack is trash anyways....a bunch of useless NAT 90's. Unless you're JUST's nearly pointless


You can add the 90s to the set for the 97s. Not completely useless.


Nope, I did the superbowl and playoff ones and didn't get them, I'll have to try fix it myself or talk to someone again


Not sure if you have received anything yet but it can take up to 2 hours, and you must log out of madden to receive ! Hope that helps


Same with me. Talked to ea and talked to Amazon. They just kept saying go talk to the other one.


Nope that’s all on you to figure out, sucks tho OP