easy wilfork, he has+ 50 pounds on lean joe greene. under 300 lb. dt will never see my field.
Edited by jvmill
MJG is hands down the best DT in the game. But I need three of these monsters with 1 AP Inside Stuff... so I'll definitely pick up the new Wilfork. He's better than the new LTD Vea who I'm gonna pass on... (Sapp is my 3rd).
MJG DT1 Replacing Sapp with 98 Wilfork DT2
Both w inside stuff. Loved Wilfork’s earlier card and stoked he is getting an upgrade.
MJG and I’m running a pats TT. I have both but MJG is the one who sees the field. 1 AP inside stuff + 91 speed + 94 or over in both finesse and power move on a DT? MJG all the way bro
Pick one, who are you rocking with?